Comment Text:
Jean-Claude.Mercier@wellsfargo. com
Monday, March 15, 2010 12:04 PM
Regulation of Retail Forex
Dear sir:
In regards to RIN 3038-AC61, it is my opinion that the proposed regulation to change the leverage
factor to 10-to-1 will eliminate the Forex trading opportunity for many individuals including
myself. As a French citizen, I would be inclined to seek Retail FX Trading alternatives outside of
the United States.
I respectfully request that the leverage limitation be 100-to-1 instead of the proposed 10-to-1.
Jean-Claude Mercier, VP
Training Manager & Subject Matter Expert
Wells Fargo Foreign Exchange
-Anytime... Anywhere
333 Market St 28th FI
San Francisco, CA 94105
Tel: 415-371-6682
MAC A0119-280
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