Comment Text:
Brett and Heidi Cook
Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:55 AM
secretary ; [email protected]
Regulation of Retail Forex
RIN 3038-AC61
Dear CFTC,
As a full-time retail forex trader, I am absolutely opposed to changes in limited leverage
requirements. The proposed change will only move capital and liquidity offshore. Retail traders
provide many billions in liquidity per day and that should not be taken away.
Regulation of this kind is hurtful, not helpful. This can only strip capital from pro-growth and
business opportunities that would normally be created here in the United States.
Forex leverage risk is widely advertised. Traders should be the ones to decide on how much they
are willing to risk. With the auto-trade close feature in the forex systems today, the only capital at
risk is that of the trader, and it should remain that way.
Brett A Cook
Forex Trader
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