Comment Text:
VaI-Arlene Chapman
Friday, March 12, 2010 11:17 PM
secreta ry < secreta ry@ C FTC. g ov >
CFTC proposed FX leverage change
Why would the CFTC want to change the FXleverage ratio in the first place??? If you are trying to
protect small players who are losing too much money, LET THE FREE MARKET WORK! They can
determine for themselves their risk tolerance and trade smaller lots or practice demo trading until
their proficiency improves. If you are trying to prevent seasoned traders from making "too much
money"...shame on you for the one thing our economy needs right now is more people spending
money and paying taxes to dig us out of this deficit pit we are in. If you persist in regulating
where no regulation is necessary, you will drive more traders "off shore" to other brokers and
thereby lose tax revenues just as NAFTA and government regulation has driven jobs overseas! So,
please enlighten me, why is the CFTC even considering this move??? The moneyI make from
trading supports my college student by paying tuition, helps my mother in law with her health care
and supports my wife and I since our real estate holdings are essentially worthless, or even worse
than worthless. Under the new proposed regulation changes, Iwould need to risk 10X the capital
on each trade to make the same returns .... and that is capital I use to satisfy other pressing
needs...why would do that to us??? The one thing we don't need in this country is MORE
GOVERNMENT REGULATION. Please reconsider your proposal before you add to the sagging
Val and Arlene Chapman
Cell: 703-727-3037
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