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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Gary W Borg

    Comment No: 2490
    Date: 1/22/2010

    Comment Text:

    Gary Borg
    Friday, January 22, 2010 7:50 AM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Reference number: RIN 3038-AC61
    Good morning,
    I'd like to add to remarks I sent earlier. Consider this: The entire country is hurting economically. Millions of people have lost
    their jobs (as I have), and many of these are unemployed due to deliberate government decisions--influenced by corporations-
    -that have led to years and years of offshoring and outsourcing of our jobs.
    One of the few straws that many of us have successfully grasped in recent years is foreign exchange trading. Due precisely to
    the generous leverage allowed, we have been able to scrape out a living without having accounts that eat up an entire lifetime
    of savings.
    Now your proposal to limit lever to 10:1 would destroy that--and wipe out in a stroke our last opportunity to make a decent
    Please do not do this. It would be a disaster. Allow us the freedom to choose our own degree of leverage rather than impose
    this awful burden on an already beleaguered public.
    By the way, if you have any need to hire at the CFTC, I have some experience in the markets--both in trading currencies and
    in commodities--and have professional experience in business journalism, including coverage of the futures markets. If you
    have any interest, I can send along a resume. Please let me know.
    Gary W. Borg
    1133 W. Pratt Blvd.
    Chicago IL 60626
    ph: 773 274 2625
    preferred email: [email protected].
    Also: [email protected]