Comment Text:
[email protected] <"j [email protected]">
Saturday, January 16, 2010 5:54 PM
Regulation of retail forex
The proposed new regulation had some good features build into it to
protect the retail investor but two paticular points may not be
helpful for the business:
A. The 1 : 10 leverage will resulted in difficulty for the trader to
managed his trade. Traders will also look elsewhere to find better
leverage meaning they will transfer their accounts offshore.This will
result in the country losing out on the economic front. Think about it
the developing countries will love to attract these setup.
B.Imposing the minimum higher desposits may also had the same effect
in the retail forex market.
At the end of the day the hope of protecting the consumers must also
balance with the needs of the business which in turn create and
maintain jobs for the Americans.
Thank you and hope the commission will consider the points raised.