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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 4143

  • From: Ken Roper

    Comment No: 14902
    Date: 4/13/2010

    Comment Text:

    harrahphotoman@gmail, com
    Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:54 PM
    Proposed Speculative Position Limits on Energy
    Ken Roper
    19344 SE 29
    Harrah, OK 73045-6335
    April 13, 2010
    David Stawick
    Secretary, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    Three Lafayette Centre
    1155 21st Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20581
    Dear Mr. Stawick:
    I am writing in support of the CFTC's Proposed Federal Speculative
    Position Limits that will reestablish speculative position limits on maj or
    energy commodities. The American family is in trouble -- we are way over
    our heads in debt (as a nation) and we are taxed to the breaking point.
    We MUST do everything in our power to lower energy costs and give our
    families and business a break!
    Oil speculation by large Wall Street trading firms has resulted in
    volatility in energy markets and price spikes in recent years. Supplies
    are at record highs and demand remains weak and there is NO reasonable
    explanation for price hikes and destructive price swings. Unless the CFTC
    adopts the proposed rule, markets will continue to fluctuate wildly.
    Position limits existed in energy markets until 2001 and currently apply
    to agricultural commodities. CFTC should use its existing experience to
    regulate position limits of speculators and prevent excessive
    concentration in the energy markets, while ensuring that exemptions to
    these limits afforded to real physical players such as fuel cooperatives,
    public utilities, truckers and airlines are not exploited by big banks and
    billionaire investors.
    Ken Roper