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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Daniel Ligman

    Comment No: 122
    Date: 1/15/2010

    Comment Text:

    Daniel Ligman
    Friday, January 15, 2010 8:04 PM
    secreta ry < secreta ry@ C FTC. g ov >
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    I am writing in to inform you of the dangers and negative consequences the proposed
    CFTC regulations will have on the United States economy and quite possibly the entire world
    economic state. My particular concern is the 10:1 restriction on leverage. Such a restriction would
    harm U.S. brokers and send the flow of U.S. dollars overseas. This would seriously hinder
    economic growth asa result of job losses at the brokers. I realize that it is the intent of the U.S.
    government to protect its citizens and I respect such intentions. However, forex traders are clearly
    informed of the risks involved in forex trading and it is the sovereign right of the citizens of the
    United States to seeka better life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Such regulations are in
    violation of the spirit of free capitalism and competition. Iam sure that you yourself have dreams
    for a better future but such rulings would only crush the dreams of so many people who have hope
    fora better future. While it is true that not everyone will be successful, such hope isa necessity in
    these harsh times. Please don't punish the American people for the banking systems mortgaging
    I protest these proposed regulations and sincerely hope that sanity is restored to the minds of
    those who would propose such harmful regulations. In life, all that really matters is the choices we
    make and it is essential that we make the right choices in life especially when our actions result in
    the benefit of the populace. Those who are heroes are forever remembered and praised. Please
    be my hero. Even if you should disregard this message, ask yourself this question- What if it was
    true that what we did in life echoed into the eternity of the next life?
    May God bless and I hope you do the right thing.
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    From uploaded file 122_BPACConsole.txt:

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    1/4/2010 4:02:59 PM, True... 23 change(s) to BPAC list.