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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Don Wertz

    Comment No: 1114
    Date: 1/20/2010

    Comment Text:

    Don Wertz
    Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:18 PM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    RE: RIN 3038-AC61
    Greetings Mr. Stawick,
    Today I was informed by my Forex broker (IBFX), about your plans to further damage trading by small traders,
    such as myself, by increasing leverage requirements beyond the 100:1 you mandated only months ago.
    I simply did not understand why you would want me, personally, to no longer trade on the Forex market. This
    through the cowardly vehicle of pricing me out of trading. I am a part time trader, a full time working employee and
    Father, and a Former Marine. I am planning to continue trading into my retirement because it is extremely
    challenging and rewarding and requires me to keep abreast of world events, but further, it is transportable. I can
    do it anywhere, providing me with flexibility of place. Don't forget that all profits generated are taxable, even if they
    are drawn against a foreign currency.
    I thought briefly about your motivations for making this latest change, and then realized that they are not 'your'
    changes. You are simply a functionary. This mandate was given to you. I realized that by driving small traders out
    of the market, you will eventutally be left with only large, institutional traders, who you will find exceedingly easy to
    regulate and control. As such, you will be able to directly control the exchange rate of the Dollar itself, which I
    believe is your actual goal. The Foreign Exchange is possibly the last bastion of free enterprise, and the desire to
    control it and its effect on the dollar is similar to those expressed by Communist China, Socialist Venezuela, and
    until they saw the light during recent elections, Japan. Japan has officially abandoned their efforts to control the
    Yen, believing those attempts at control to be against
    best interest. You, on the other hand, apparently
    have no faith in the strength of the Dollar, Free Enterprise, nor the rights of the individual. I oppose this effort, and
    will continue to do so with my money and my vote as well as those of anyone I can influence.
    I believe that your 'public comment' period is a sham. I believe that your intentions are clear from your own
    recent actions, first in eliminating hedging, and then increasing by 400% the requirements for margin. Your
    feelings about individual traders is obvious. You wish them gone. It is my sincere wish that you fail in this and any
    further misguided efforts. Leave me alone to trade. The Dollar doesn't need you, and I
    certainly don't
    need you.
    Don Wertz