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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Andrew Gray
    USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Comment No: 994
    Date: 1/20/2010

    Comment Text:

    Andrew Gray
    Wednesday, January 20, 2010 2:20 PM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Dear Mr. Stawick,
    I am writing to you regarding the CFTC's proposed changes to the
    regulation of retail Forex.
    I am in wholehearted agreement with the need for better regulation of
    Forex brokers. Requiring them to be registered and to have a minimum
    net capital are both very good ideas that I would like to
    implemented. However, I cannot agree wifla the proposed limitation of
    leverage to a maximum of 10:1. While I see the reasoning behind this
    proposed change - to help prevent new Forex traders overleveraging and
    wiping out their capital with a few ill-advised trades - I feel flaat
    individual traders should have flae freedom to choose higher leverages
    so long as they are made aware of the potential risks involved.
    Personally, I do not believe that limiting the maximum leverage will
    save undereducated Forex traders from taking foolish risks in an
    effort to maximise their profits. Such traders will simply open larger
    positions at lower leverage. On the contrary, experienced traders who
    can use leverage wisely should have the freedom to do so. The proposed
    10:1 limit would only inconvenience them without being much help to
    new ~xaders who cannot or will not take the time to educate themselves
    prior to trading.
    I would propose the following alternative to the proposed mandatory
    10:1 leverage limit: All new retail Forex accounts should be opened at
    a default leverage of 10:1. Account holders should then be given
    papelwork or taken to a webpage (depending on how flae account is
    opened) that clearly states the potential risks and rewards of using
    higher (and lower) leverages and then given the choice to select the
    leverage that they wish to use. This way the default status of new
    accounts is relatively low risk and new users are educated before they
    make their own choice about how much risk to take.
    Thank you very much indeed for your time,
    Andrew Gray, MRes
    PhD Candidate
    Laboratory of W. Martin Kast
    USC, Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
    Harlyne Norris Research Tower,
    Room 7517A, MC 9601
    1450 Biggy Street,
    Los Angeles, CA 90033
    Tel: 1 323 442 3869
    Email: [email protected]