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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Randall Best

    Comment No: 8897
    Date: 3/22/2010

    Comment Text:

    Randy Best < randybest@ >
    Monday, March 22, 2010 4:48 PM
    secreta ry < secreta ry@ C FTC. g ov >
    Marcello Ducille
    Dear Secretary,
    I just wanted to thank you for saving me from myself. Nevermind that I have invested 2yearsand
    $20,000 in my Forexeducation. Nevermind that Istill have NOT put any real $ at risk. Nevermind
    that through my own efforts and perseverance I found a true mentor who is helping me on a
    slow/steady course to live trading. Through my own efforts and free william on my way to
    successfully going "live" in the Forex. I have managed to avoid the landminesthat most retail
    traders fall prey to ...... only to have my own "Socialist" government tell me what is good for me.
    We (successful traders) are independent people. I will overcome your social engineering as well as
    the fear and greed that ruin most traders. Go back to your small pathetic world that constitutes
    your beliefs. While our forefathers rolloverin their graves watching our beloved Constitution being
    trampled upon illegally by agencies like yours, Congress, the Fed, and our President ...... people like
    me are busy manifesting dreams through our God-given free will. Yes, the time will come for me
    to risk my own hard-earned money. I have risked it before with mixed results.
    Isn't this America ??? Not any more it isn't. I will succeed in the Forex. I will feel the success that
    I have worked so long and hard to obtain. I have had to go through many more changes
    psychologically to get to this point than you will ever personally experience.., and there is much
    more to come. Iam sad for you. You get to wake up tomorrow and be the limited person with the
    limited beliefs that you are.
    Isincerely hope that my words are taken to heart by your agency. Iam real. I have the heart and
    mind of a winner. Ido not BLAME anyone for ANYTHING in my life. Ilearn from my
    mistakes .... period. My words willcertaily not change your course. Changing Forexleverage in the
    US will definitely change my course, but not my results. Thanks again, it gives me a warm and
    fuzzy feeling to know that my government will save me before I ruin my personal finances.
    Sincerely, Randall Best
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