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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Jason Yoon-Hendricks

    Comment No: 8547
    Date: 3/18/2010

    Comment Text:

    Jason Yoon-Hendricks
    Thursday, March 18, 2010 7:32 PM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Re: R1N 3038-AC61
    Please consider carefully your proposed regulation of the retail forex market. Oversight is essential but
    development of any law or regulation needs to be fair, transparent, and open to public input. Rules
    conceived and imposed without due consideration and vetting inevitably become ineffective and stiffling
    to otherwise healthy markets. At their worst, they can cause more damage to market participants than the
    problems they seek to address.
    High leverage can, of course, be dangerous if used thoughtlessly as can smoking and drinking (for
    example). However, as history shows, education and oversight are far superior to outright prohibition. In
    the case of leverage (and the retail forex markets in general) outright restrictions will only force
    consumers to move money to overseas brokers.
    This will surely result in far worse outcomes. I, for one,
    feel WAY safer with my money ON shore and with an FSA-registered and supervised broker. Currently,
    the effectiveness of British regulatory oversight in this space is well below the US standard that your
    agency maintains. When I think of how many brokers pitching to US retail customers are based even
    farther afield (eg Russia), I suggest that you'll trade a small problem (leverage) for a far larger one (US
    citizens wiring funds into poorly regulated, off-shore shell corps...and what can follow).
    The former problem can be controlled and has alternative solutions. The latter one yields controls (to
    overseas regulators, if at all), exposes consumers to far worse risks and also, effectively, shuts US
    brokers out of the space.
    Please... guide, don't dominate. Your mandate is to protect market participants which includes helping
    to maintain healthy markets (not to limit their potential). Remember the doctor's oath: first, do no harm.
    Thank you.
    --Jason Yoon-Hendricks