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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Neill Treasure

    Comment No: 8453
    Date: 3/18/2010

    Comment Text:

    Neill Treasure (Bruton Capital)
    Thursday, March 18, 2010 9:24 AM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Dear Sir
    I write regarding the proposed limit of leverage in
    retail Forex transactions to 10:1.
    From my experience and observations of the market
    this is likely to result in the following:
    Many retail traders will be forced off shore,
    where no such limits will apply. This is a global
    market. Many will find themselves trading from
    countries with far less protection than they
    currently have.
    Reduced liquity for small traders will follow. It
    will be harder to enter the market as a small
    trader, larger trade stakes will be required, and
    greater market volatility will be encouraged
    3. This increased barrier to entry will be harmful
    to the US forex industry, and to the owners and
    employees of those businesses.
    I am sure this cannot be the intention behind this
    legislation. I feel better protection would be offered
    by encouraging trader education for new traders, and
    by the continued risk warnings, displayed on many
    brokers websites.
    I would therefore urge you to abandon this plan for
    limiting leverage, which although well intentioned
    can only have harmful effects.
    Finally, I would add that inreased protection from
    frauds, scams and ponzi style schemes would also be
    to everyones benefit.
    Yours sincerely
    Neill Treasure
    RIN 3038-AC61