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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Mike Wietor
    Country Squire Inc

    Comment No: 8360
    Date: 3/17/2010

    Comment Text:

    [email protected]
    Wednesday, March 17, 2010 10:27 PM
    secretary < [email protected]>
    [email protected]
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Good Evening:
    I just wanted to express my feelings regarding the proposal to limit leverage
    on Forex transactions to 10:1 from the existing 100:1 policy.
    I believe that this would be quite harmful to the many traders who have
    devoted years of study and trading with the intent of creating a new career or
    supplemental income in their retirement years.
    Having been around many of these folks over the past 4 years, I can attest to
    their sincerity in their pursuit of the knowledge necessary to succeed in
    trading Forex. Are they all successful? Absolutely not! However, the one
    overriding factor that stands out, is that through the years I have not run
    across more than a small percentage that were what might be described as
    "Riverboat Gamblers." Mostly, they are very well grounded and just trying to
    learn the trading skills.
    Some of the people I deal with have already begun moving their accounts
    overseas so they will not be "shut out" of their dream of independence. The
    only practice I've noticed in the industry, that I feel is a detriment to the
    retail trader, is what they call "stop hunting" being practiced by some of the
    brokerages. If you could police this item it would be a big help to the public
    and they would applaud your effort.
    In closing my comments on RIN 3038-AC61, I would just like to ask that you
    leave the leverage limits as they exist today. It would be appreciated by a
    huge amount of just regular folks who are not trying to get rich quick, but just
    trying to be self-sufficient.
    Thank you for listening to my comments.i0-001
    Mike Wietor, Senior Broker
    Country Squire, Inc., 10400 Griffin Road #303B, Davie, FL 33328
    800-887-4867 954-434-4444
    e-Mail:[email protected]
    Four-time President of the 3,000 Member
    South Broward Board of Realtors
    Life is a series of choices ......
    choose well.