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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Terry K Morgan

    Comment No: 8184
    Date: 3/17/2010

    Comment Text:

    Terry Morgan
    Wednesday, March 17, 2010 1:04 PM
    H. Oflandella
    secretary ; Ralph Orlandella ;
    Becky ; Cliff Lee
    If I was given a guess, I would say Negative Thinking, but
    mostly "FEAR" ~
    What else could stop people dead in their tracks?
    I'm here to tell you that the slate's been wiped clean, the past has
    released its grip, and before you sparkles eternity, yearning for direction.
    Folks, all that lies between you and the life of your dreams is just one
    teeny, tiny, gentle, little rule. Only one condition, prerequisite, principle
    that matters.
    It's not love. It's not God. It's not fate, or luck, or karma. It's not
    complicated or esoteric, and you needn't sacrifice, plead, or pray to
    invoke it. It's the only rule that's ever existed, and it's the only one that
    will ever exist. No reality can exist in its absence. For its mere existence,
    you are. With its existence, the power, the light, and the way are
    revealed. It's your purpose to discover it, and it's your destiny to master
    it. It's the beginning, the middle, and the end. The Alpha and the Omega.
    The be-all and end-all of every wish, desire, and dream, and you are its
    This caveat of all caveats is that absolutely nothing can be anything until
    it is first imagined. Thoughts become things, nothing else does. And so,
    Folks, it's the thoughts you choose from here on out that will become the
    things and events of your life, forevermore. It is written in stone. There's
    no other way. It's your ticket to anywhere you can dream of. Your
    passport to abundance, health, and friendships. The key to the palace of
    your wildest dreams.
    Your thoughts, and your thoughts alone, will set you in motion. Your
    thoughts will yield the inspiration, creativity, and determination you need.
    Your thoughts will orchestrate the magic and inspire the Universe. Your
    thoughts will carry you to the finish line if you just keep thinking them.
    Never give up. Never waiver, doubt, or ask.
    Aim high.
    That you've even received this
    that you're able to read it through,
    means you are so close. So extraordinarily close. The hardest work hasi0-001
    been done. The wars have already been waged. The lessons have already
    been learned. The journey, now, is for home.
    Ain't no Blarney, Happy St. Patty's Day. :-)
    On 3/17/10, H. Orlandella

    Do NOT reduce leverage. Competition made this country great. Try finding out what's actually
    destroying the economy and regulate that instead.
    H. Orlandella, Principal
    Orlandella, Inc.
    703 232 1474 ext. 1
    [email protected]
    Terry K. Morgan
    Design, Estimating & Construction Consultant
    Independently insured by the Hartford Co.
    Okla. City, OK 73135
    c- 541-420-8789
    terrykmorgan@gmaih com