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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: John Ashley

    Comment No: 8152
    Date: 3/17/2010

    Comment Text:

    Wednesday, March 17, 2010 9:45 AM
    secretary ; [email protected];
    [email protected]; Phil Geisinger
    < pgeising @tampa bay. >
    FOREX trading rules
    Dear CFTC,
    The markets built this nation.., not the other way around.
    Americans have a right to pursue property by participating in any market they wish to trade
    regardless of "vested interest" in the particular commodity.., all have a vested interest in keeping
    the markets free so who can be properly excluded?
    Minimum margin requirements and leverage limits are socioeconomic class discrimination and are
    unconstitutional.., who are you to say that I or anyone else have no right to leverage my good
    credit in any (supposedly free) market if my brokers say that I may? It is a 100% private matter.
    You people are the modern day equivalent of the SS. Your agency was created to insure that the
    largest participants in these markets play fair and do not use their economic advantage to
    manipulate the markets.., precisely to keep the markets free and open to all participants. Instead
    you choose to protect the dominant position of the largest players in the game thereby insuring
    that the original purpose of the CFTC will never be fulfilled.
    Our money will go offshore.., broker profits will go offshore.., interest earned on margin loans will
    go offshore... American jobs in the brokerage industry will go offshore.., and you along with them
    because soon every commodity and stock will be traded in the same way that currencies are traded
    today in an off exchange leveraged market.., offshore.
    A giant money, jobs and opportunity vacuum is being created. Our markets, once free, are being
    taken from us by being taken over by the largest interests whose only competitor is the collective
    trading power of the smallest players.., and no one cares enough to even take note of it in the
    Very sad indeed.
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