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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Alan R Reitz

    Comment No: 7893
    Date: 3/16/2010

    Comment Text:

    Tuesday, March 16, 2010 1:21 PM
    Tim Chandler
    RIN 3038-AC61
    Februry 15, 2010
    Subject: RIN 3038-AC61
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Attn: [email protected]
    To whom "it should concern",
    Please help me understand the logic of this proposal. To the best of my knowledge, there
    are no regulations dictating the number of lotto tickets a person is allowed to purchase
    (with odds of odds of several million to 1 against you), how much a person is allowed to
    wager at the casinos, or the amount of money a person is allowed to purchase/invest/risk
    for term insurance (against the probability that the policy it will expire before you do).
    Is this country all about big business? It seems to me that the U S Government is fixated
    on restricting the rights and freedoms of the individual while acting surprised when big
    business jeopardizes our whole economy (doing what the gov't encourages them to do)
    with basically a hand slap and "I'm really upset" statement from Mr. Obama.
    Sure there is risk involved in forex trading and 95% have yet to make money at it, that's
    still better than the 99.999999999% loosing at lotto or the casinos. I am relatively new to
    forex trading but I am actually beginning to make money at it (something I have never
    done with lotto or at the gaming tables).
    Please, give us little guys a fighting chance by voting down this proposal to restrict
    leveraging of trading to 10:1.
    Thank you for your time.
    Alan R Reitz
    PS: 95 to 98% of all new businesses would you regulate the risk of that? ....still
    trying to understand the logic of this proposal.