Comment Text:
Kristen Bickham
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 11:26 AM
Do not change retail forex's leverage
Hi there,
I understand the comment period is drawing to a close for the proposed change in retail leverage options in the forex market.
Therefore, I'm sending you this message to say I'm completely opposed to any changes made to the leverage options available to
As a trader, I do not want or need your "help" in protecting me from myself in my trading activities.
What has this nation come to, where some obscure regulator gets to decide what my profit (or loss) potential is in my trading?
This is one more step down the path of tyranny where regulators are used as pawns of those that they regulate. The regulations
actually improve the profits of some unseen corporations that are applying the pressure to make the regulatory changes.
Of course, the public is never told of who is behind the proposed changes. The changes are always said to have the intent to "protect
the public." But my guess is that too many stock traders are switching to 4× and it's making the brokers on Wall Street nervous.
So, don't do me any favors and try to "protect" me from myself.
I'm more than capable of being responsible for my trading results, and I certainly don't need you to help me in that regard.
Don~ be a tyrant. For once, do nothing so that your "help" doesnt further damage this country's economic climate.
Kristen J. Bickham
Bickham & Bickham
3990 Spring Valley Road
Suite 328
Dallas, TX 75244
P: 214.405.5345
F: 214.279.0096
[email protected]