Comment Text:
David Nelson
Monday, March 15, 2010 5:30 PM
Proposed Leverage Changes
Dear Secretary,
I am a small investor. If these changes go through it will kill any chances I have to invest in Forex with a small
account. It begs the question, "Why would the government allow the small investor to invest in Forex, then
prevent them from investing in Forex by changing the leverage requirements?" My ability to maintain an account
of $2,000 with the current leverage requirements depends on my ability to do proper risk management. Without
this leverage it would not be advisable or feasible without a minimum $10,000 account. This proposed change
would eliminate the ability for the "little guy" to participate in the largest capital market in the world. Is this another
example of a Big Brother Government wanting to protect its citizens from themselves by deciding what is best for
them? Would changing the leverage requirements be consistent with a free market, capitalist system? I submit
that instituting these proposed changes only serves to limit the freedom of individuals who are attempting to
engage in American capitalism, and there is no
reason why these changes should be made at this time.
David W. Nelson