Comment Text:
Monday, March 15, 2010 8:50 AM
Regulation of Retail Forex
Unconscionable! Who do you think you are that YOU should decide MY
risk appetite and even my ability to participate? People like you
trying to keep us little guys from profiting like the big boys all
around the world! The retail Forex community had absolutely ZERO
impact on this financial nightmare we're living in, oh no, that was
ALL thanks to our government and you want to put MORE REGULATIONS ON
US?!?!?!?! You aren't fooling anyone!! It's clear as crystal that
this is just another way to keep us regular working folks thoroughly
suppressed while the government fat cats and all their minions skate
off into the sunset - wealthier than ever! You should be deeply
ashamed of yourselves, I don't know how you sleep at night! Your
greed and power mongering will come back to haunt you, of that you can
be sure.
It's high time for a revolution in this broke, broken, corrupt
country. With passage of this and other such ridiculously strict
regulations, (and let's not forget all the new new taxes that will
soon be levied) I fear we are getting very close to such a scenario. I
just hope I have enough money to gather myself & my family and leave
this place when the time comes. We worked so hard and it all
evaporated right before our eyes. You have bled us dry.