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Comment for Proposed Rule 89 FR 48968

  • From: Dennis A. Dater

    Comment No: 73960
    Date: 8/5/2024

    Comment Text:

    I feel this is an unessary action to take. Predictit is more than a pure gambling site. It provides an opportunity for the organization to gather important information about markets and especially election markets. It gives individuals the opportunity to invest in their research and get a better understanding of various election markets. The current status of any particular markeplace may be more accurate than polls. Polls are based on a snapshot at a single time. Many of the partiipants may not be giving true answers or they may be people who while stating a view do not back it up by votings.

    An election marketplace on the other hand attracts people who back up their views. I believe this is a more accurate of what will actually happen.

    Please do not impact the work that Predictit does.

    Thank you,


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