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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Jodi Kubacki

    Comment No: 736
    Date: 1/19/2010

    Comment Text:

    Jodi Kubacki
    Tuesday, January 19, 2010 5:08 PM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Retail Forex:
    I have recently read an article that indicates that new regulations
    regarding a maximum trade leverage to 10:1. I understand the
    reasoning, but this would cause setbacks to many forex traders.
    Trading the forex is a business for many. Just fike aft businesses, it
    must have some form of risk management to be successful. I befieve
    that is a responsibifity of the individual or entity. This would make it
    nearly impossible to forex trading successful This wifl in turn hinder
    the entire forex community as weft as the country. The government
    receives a cut of our successes without having to rift a finger. It's easy
    money for them. We wifl not be able to continue to do this is the 10:1
    regulation is passed. I urge you not to impose this regulation as the
    FIFO rule and anti-hedging rule has already caused a major negative
    effect. Once again, I understand the purpose, but people need to be
    responsible for themselves and make their own decisions. We cannot
    keep enabfing the people of this country. This 10:1 regulation is one
    more thing that wifl cause this country not to grow and prosper. I feel
    very strongly about this. I urge you to consider not putting these
    regulations in affect. This country is a Democracy and I am putting my
    vote on the table and pray that you leave the system alone. Their have
    already been enough changes made to devastate retail forex, please do
    not add to the problems. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Jodi Kubacki
    [email protected]
    "In God We Trust"