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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Peter J Howard
    Jericho Capital

    Comment No: 7328
    Date: 3/13/2010

    Comment Text:

    Peter J. Howard
    Saturday, March 13, 2010 1:07 PM
    [email protected]
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    David Stawick, Secretary
    CFTC (Commodities Futures Trading Commission)
    1155 21
    Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20581
    Re: RIN 3038-AC61
    Dear David Stawick,
    We and all our associates are
    completely against
    the proposed legislation that would impose a
    reduction in leveraging on our FX trading in the USA. Does the CFTC even know anymore what the
    retail market is for FX trading and how it is defined and what it entails? The retail
    customer/investor is not comprised only of retired online hobby traders/gamblers, and it is not the
    likes of many customers of, for example, the commercialized, mainstream "" borderline
    shady universe and similar TV commercials. The retail market INDEED consists of professional
    traders using/depending on sophisticated systems and software, all who contribute to our economy
    and who make a living from FX trading. These "retail" traders often have customers/investors of
    their own managing millions of USD. By our industry norm, retail FX are accounts being up to ca.
    USD 20 Million each, institutional trading/clients being over and above USD 20 Million. If retail
    customers could be restricted to use only 10:1 leverage, this means that institutional trading floors
    at our banks and financial institutions re: Wall Street (the ones who completely failed Americans
    already once before) would still be allowed to use 100:1 leverage in their back office using client
    deposited money, often and primarily for their own gains?!
    No sound economist is his right mind and with any real world experience or any international
    exposure would even consider such a proposal, never mind any individual who has any REAL idea
    of how FX systems and EAs and HFT operate, systems that already execute stringent internal risk
    management techniques using the industry standard of 100:1. The new regulation would also
    mean that all presently successful systems and EA software/strategies would have to be completely
    re-programmed/re-written thus increasing developmental costs in addition to the potential of
    reducing FX trading activities tenfold, which is in affect what would happen.
    Is your ailing/crumbling USD and disastrous/embarrassing American economy at this time not
    evidence enough that more socialist impositions do not work in a free market society whether we
    like it or not? I ask myself, what will it take then? Is it children with AADD or rebellious teenagers
    who are running your country at this time?
    In our day and age, it is a matter of a few clicks to move our FX operations
    and funds
    to platforms
    outside of CFTC jurisdiction and this is EXACTLY what will result if the proposed new regulation is
    imposed on North American traders. We all know the FX market is ca. USD 3 Trillion large on any
    given day; the substantial profits made in this market on a retail level in North America will simply
    dissipate in a matter of months and would then be enjoyed in/by countries like Malta, Switzerland
    and other more suitable zones.
    This new regulation if imposed would take away our/my livelihood in North America and will it
    destroy the careers of many other astute and hard working North American day traders andi0-001
    software developers as well, not to mention all the staff at brokerage houses across the country
    who would in time also be laid off tenfold!
    Personally, at my age and in my circumstance, there would literally be no point in me
    living/working in North America anymore unless I want to flip burgers at your infamous McDonald's
    restaurants or stock shelves at your beautiful WaI-Mart stores for the rest of my life making
    minimum wage! If this regulation is actually passed, we will indeed and literally take all our money,
    our trading, and our company outside the socialist grips of whatever the hell is going in the USA
    right now.
    Sincerely, a proud Canadian and FX trader/fund manager.
    Peter J. Howard
    Jericho Capital
    220-318 Lorry Greenberg Drive
    Ottawa, ON, K1T 2R5
    Tel +1 (613)731.5557
    Cell +1 (613)286.6553
    Fax +1 (815)461.7810
    Email: [email protected]
    Skype: jerichocapital
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