Comment Text:
L-ATh~berge <1
a [email protected]>
Saturday, March 13, 2010 10"40 AM
secretary < secretary@ C FTC. g ov >
cftcfeed [email protected]
Mr Secratery David Stawick
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
1155 21st Street N.W.
Washington, DC.
Dear Mr Stawick
I'm writing you today because the organisation wich you are the secretary is planning to establish
a new regulation to the forex retail markets that may affect strongly the ability to trade on this
market by the average people. This regulation proposal to pull back the leverage from 100:1 to
10:1 will stand the retail trading to a lack of time and energy for whom is going in the forex with
less than 10 0005 as an account or free margin.
I've been thought early, when i began trading, that it is risky. I've been thought early in my
involvement into forex trading to use a
proper money management
and to always know, or at
least, to always
consider the risk of each position i take.
Losing and winning is part of any trading committment and
there would be no market at
all if
losers and winners were not trading to keep or to reverse this statute. What make a market is that
buyers are pushing the prices up and sellers are pushing the prices down. Some win some lose and
it is in it's integrality part of it. What the new regulation proposal will, at the end, have effect on, is
that it will bring the losers to winners.
We all know that the only reason a new regulation of this kind is emerging is that to much losers
do not understand why they are. Their lack of knowledge of the market they were entering brought
them to lose there money and to complain to your organisation.
Maybe they were not at all becoming traders but standing gamblers. And this may be the point in
the end. Losing is part of the learning in any aspect of life. Why some people do not understand a
given thing is not a problem of leverage. Losers would not have win in the end with less leverage.
They would have lose more slowly.
The possibility to complain about their losing make them think that they were not, in fact, losers.
Nobody can complain about their losing in a casino. But if you lose money by over trading or over
leveraging your position in forex trading you may think that it is not your fault. You may be able to
think you could have win if you have not been able to use a big leverage or something.
The fact is that refusing to loose is not a winner attitude. Putting the fault of bad trading decisions
on the wonderfull opprtunity to trade with leverage it is not a winning attitude. The winning
attitude is to recognize your own behavior. The winners have this ability to adjust them self and to
adapt to new conditions in the market. The winners know what their risk is. They use a proper
money management. The winners learn from their mistakes, they do not complain about it.
Losers do not lose because of high leverage. Losers are what they are because of their
So i'm asking the CFTC to not put the reduce leverage from 100:1 to 10:1 proposal known as
REGULATION OF RETAIL FOREX, RIN 3038-AC 61 in application and it to become the standing
regulation because it would give the win to losers. It would make small trading winners losing in
front of the real losers of the retail forex market. It would give reason to individual who did not
understand enough the consequences of their behavior.
And, it would put apart great amount of winners who will now not be able to enter a market
because some losers did not accept their behavior.
I thank you to have taken the time to read my opinion on this subject. I fully understand the final
decision will be founded on great consideration and well toughts. The justice in it's full meaning of
equity, will, i'm sure, inlight the final assumption to wether or not a such decision to diminushed
leveraging in forex retail market is appropriate.
Kind regards
Louis-Alexis Th@berqe
Drummondville, PQ, Canada.
I a [email protected]
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