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Comment for Industry Filing 23-01

  • From: Jane T Berkow
    Retired federal employee

    Comment No: 72101
    Date: 7/21/2023

    Comment Text:

    Voting is far from a mere gamble; it is a sacred right bestowed upon us as citizens of a democracy, empowering us to elect representatives who will voice our concerns in the government. Sadly, our election process is already tainted by the influx of money from anonymous sources and large corporations, which undermines the democratic principles we hold dear. Introducing gambling into the equation would only exacerbate the problem, as it would encourage those with financial resources to manipulate the odds in favor of their chosen candidates, further distorting the potential outcomes.

    Regrettably, our nation is currently experiencing unprecedented divisions, surpassing any seen in recent memory. Introducing gambling into elections will only serve to widen this divide. Instead of fostering a fair and transparent democratic process, it would fuel distrust and skepticism among citizens, questioning the integrity of the very system we rely upon for representation.

    In these turbulent times, it is vital to safeguard the purity of our democratic principles and work towards restoring faith in the electoral process. We should strive to eliminate the influence of big money and anonymous donations, thereby ensuring that every citizen's vote carries equal weight and significance. By maintaining the sanctity of our elections, we can move towards a more unified and inclusive nation, where the power truly resides with the people.

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