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Comment for Industry Filing 23-01

  • From: gloriana m casey

    Comment No: 72027
    Date: 7/21/2023

    Comment Text:

    SAD but TRUE, it seems that many in Congress are idiots---that have possibly never looked at nor read the Constitution, nor even read the Preamble.

    Perhaps those running for Congress should pass a Constitution test and receive at least an 80% before being accepted into Congress. It would be so helpful if those running for Congress actually knew something about the laws and history of this nation. Sadly, it appears that snarky comments and actual lies have somehow become supreme in the minds of many voters in this nation.

    I would appreciate having all those running for office at each election, to pass a Constitution test. YES, this , is a necessity. as it is truly horrifying to see how many vote their own pocketbooks as opposed those those who actually know something about their Constitution.

    AND, each person running from each state would have to take the test after voting had ended. No matter if a person wins a huge amount of votes---- If they do not score at least an 80%if they are in actuality empty headed idiots and scammers and they should not be seated---and the next candidate then takes the test in hopes that someone knows about the Constitution Anyone who has access to the tests and hands out the answers before the test should never be allowed to run for a Congressional seat. A big fine for cheaters would be most appreciated and perhaps some jail time too.

    Sad as it is to say, there are complete idiots running their own states and their own voters into the ground. Now in order for fairness, there would need to be 5 or 6 different tests in order that different ideas would be presented. The tests would be taken while seated in Congress and once the test is completed there would be no changes in answers. Oh and just to be sure, no bathroom breaks until test is completed and handed in . UNLESS an 80% is reached on each test, then the said to be winner would not be able to be seated as very sadly they do not know enough to be competent.

    WE all know that we are dealing with quite a few sellers of their own souls, along with those who are just too stupid for this Congressional job. If a state had no one competent to fill in the seat----- that state would not be allowed representation for the next 12 months until someone in the next
    year could get an 80% on the test.

    Perhaps this HARSH action would seem like a bad thing to do---but truly it is much more important that we have people representing us who actually KNOW SOMETHING---before they are seated to represent their state.

    This should apply to both the House and the Senate, as we all know many elected ones who appear to either be cheaters or are truly unqualified for the job to represent the People of each

    Sadly, this current crop in Congress seems to look at this job as a way to raise money more for themselves rather than for the ability of each candidate to fulfill their job duties.PLEASE take a stand on this as we can clearly see that America is slip sliding away. ***********************

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