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Comment for Orders and Other Announcements 88 FR 2894

  • From: Retail Investor
    APE Nation

    Comment No: 71032
    Date: 1/19/2023

    Comment Text:

    Hey, this look familiar?

    CFTC Mission Statement:
    The mission of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission is to promote the integrity, resilience, and vibrancy of the U.S. derivatives markets through sound regulation.

    Really? We are ready for you to fulfill your obligations. Show us the swaps.

    CFTC Vision statement:
    To be the global standard for sound derivatives regulation.

    We're also ready for sound and JUST regulation. LFG.

    CFTC Core values:
    Commitment - Bringing our best to work every day and holding ourselves to the highest professional standards. Best as in worst?

    Forward-thinking - Challenging ourselves to stay ahead of the curve. Before you screw yourselves? Right.

    Teamwork - Valuing diverse skill sets and backgrounds to achieve our mission. How bout background checks and leave the criminals where they belong?

    Clarity - Providing transparency to market participants about our rules and processes. Nothing like delaying swaps for another 2 years. That's a model of transparency.

    I have to admit, with what I've learned in my 84 years of trading this is laughable. I don't see things changing for us plebs but you know better.
    I just wanted to remind you of your oath and hope there are some of you with a little integrity.
    I know greed has blinded most of you with the hopes of making it to one of these mercenary banking cartels. But enough is enough. Think of the greater good.
    We are not going away.
    A pissed off retail investor.

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