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Comment for Proposed Rule 87 FR 76698

  • From: Micah Campbell

    Comment No: 71029
    Date: 1/19/2023

    Comment Text:

    Delaying and hiding swap data makes very little sense when we have seen over the past 10 years+ that SWAPS can turn into nuclear bombs within the market. Allowing institutions to trade “like” securities not only destroys the supply and demand aspect of a free market, it allows for FTDs to be swept under the rug as well. We have the technology available to provide instant data points that refresh during the day. In the idea of transparency, we (the public) should have a free feed that is updating during the day in regard to swaps. How do you expect the public to stay educated when you Hide data intentionally to “protect” the big players. If there is nothing nefarious going then there should be no stall on releasing real time accurate data. T0 reporting should be a minimum. Swaps should not even exist in honesty regarding how market plumbing and dynamics work. Lastly, who is valuing these other than the insitutitions trading them? Swaps are not healthy for markets in general. Hiding reporting and data proves this is not a positive instrument.

    The lack of regulation and assistance the CFTC has provided along with capital being waived is disgusting. This agency is not protecting the markets or retail.

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