Comment Text:
Dan Bryant
Friday, March 12, 2010 7:49 PM
Changes in Ratios of leverage:
Dear Sirs:
I have been trading for over 12 years and make my living trading daily in the markets. I have never lost to
the point of
Having a margin call and I have never blown out my accounts. I feel that I am conducting myself responsibly and
have in no way caused the Government or anyone else to loose money or to be forced to bail me out.
I can not say that for the Government or the large internationals.
This new level of leverage limitations will cause traders like me to limit our risk, profit and that will limit our taxes to
the Governments involved.
This is not the appropriate course of action. The problems we are all dealing with were caused by insiders, not
working traders managing their own money.
This action is unfair, unneeded and un-warranted.
Regards: D.W. Bryant- Texas