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Comment for Public Information Collection 87 FR 9583

  • From: Jennifer M McKay
    Absolute Justice; Trying to find justice to the smallest minorities amongst our community within Los Angeles County.

    Comment No: 66967
    Date: 3/21/2022

    Comment Text:

    To Whom It May Concern,

    This comment in is relation to circumstances that have occurred within my personal families life. Due to my mother being born in Kyoto City, Japan in 1948. When she came to America her first language is Japanese, and her third language is English. Her English is marginal. She can berely read or write English. Comprehension of English spoken and in the written form is not comphrensible for her. Since 2007-08 she has been taken advantage of by banking officals, brokers, and bankers who are not licensed with FINRA, who seem to have made CD accounts, Time Deposit accounts, and other banking associates who were registered within an internal financial service LLC within the bank, and then were not registered with the LLC within the bank. What has been difficult over the years is she has been in a long misguided and untrustworthy divorce proceedings with a total of 6 different attorneys over the years from 2009-2017.

    My concern is, how does a person who is already a minority due to her ethnical upbringing and backround, avoid exploitation of her financial security when her actual financial assists are being moved by her (ex-)husband(Who is a licensed laywyer with the State Bar of California since 1982), when she was visiting family in Japan. It seems to now be known that it wasn't just her (ex) husband who was involved with her assets being moved without her consent or knowledge, but after deep investigating into the matter it was reveiled that this bank was fined by the S.E.C.(Securities Financial Committie) in 2007 for under reporting customer incidents within their bank. My mother is a living example of the after effect of how devestating non reporting incidents can effect financially a individuals life. I also have learned that this bank was in violation of The Bank's Secrecy Act due to the improper process of proceedures with customer incidents and threats. I feel like after accompaining my mother numerous times to the bank that personal meetings exposed exactly who was involved with her money being illegal moved and now reported to the F.T.C.(Federal Trade Commision), and even while communicating with the internal fraud investigators within the bank we discovered that the information furnished from even the fraud investigator was not accurate to recently found orginal documents in regards to the ,missing monies.

    I only found this website and commission because I watched a webcast from the US DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, specifically with the OFR. Due to misconduct and crooked attorneys to be frank, a total of 4 out of the 6 attorneys representing my mother with her divorce proceedings were also involved with stealing financial information, creating invalid liens on her personal residence, and stealing of a large box filled with crucial documents in which we are working with the Los Angles California State Bar Association currently to find remedies and with due dilligence will regain access to those stolen documents. What I am excited about is I decided to leave a comment because I believe it is important. I wish your commission was discussed more amongst the local news stations, and I hope within the soon future your commission will be more accessible through more awareness broughten to the public by allowing a link to all banks websites, and pamphlets in banking institutions or any oppropriate public entity involving commodities, futures, and trading.

    I am now after constant researsh into what happened to my mother, have made great progress, I am just set back because of the lawyer misconduct that was a major set back in my mothers life, and I decided to reach out because she almost took her own life because of the recklessness of working professionals. We have taken every effort to reach out to UnionBank, and Unionbanc Financial Services LLC, and I have lost all confidence in finding acurate or availible solutions within this bank.

    Now that we have stumbled and are able to retrieve original documents, we want to move forward with taking the all original banking statements, along with all interactions we have had with the bank sent ot the OCC Customer Assistance Group, and from here I will continue to strive to find absolute justice for my mother. I want the Commission to know that it is important for citizren not born originally in America can have the access to translatible versionsd of all and any documents requested within banking industries, Also I think for these minorities that land in the 4% range in our community should have automatic immunity in regards to Statures of Limitaions because the abilities of my mother when these corruptive wrong-doings were taking place were not being taken serious by the banking and branch magnagers who were internal involved, and from what I have gathered it seems to be that its a group of internal banking associates within the bank and this LLC who have illegally profitted off my mothers vulnurabilities, and abilities. As of 2016 she was given a MMSE(Mini Mental State Exam) and this test showed that my mother has mild abnormal results which defined that she needs to be accompanied by someone, and that she does not understand what "write a sentence" means, furthermore she is a perfect example of how predatory professionals prey on our most vulnurable members of our community, and I pray we can protect our elders, and prevent financial crimes for all and any persons who do not have the cababilitiy to defend themselves, or personas who have no understanding of what entities are here in our country who can help. I am doing everything I can to protect my mother because I love her, and I plan to protect more citizens if my attempts are successful. I am very concerned for our citizens who will never get help. They say out of 100 people where something irregular or fraudlent has effected them financially only about 18-30 of those people report what has happened to them. This is a problem, we must inplace regulations that create 100 out of 100 people to report incidents so that we can put an end to injustice. One day we can reach absolute Justice, I challenge anybody going through financial insecurity due to wrongdoings by others, to keep looking for answers, keep looking for information, and to never give up on putting those ones who tresspassed on your financial security to never give up. Financial Crimes are done by very sophisticated people of intrest, and White Collared Crimes are never easy to understand or talk about. Just start by making a police report, and continue making reports until you are made aware of commissions like this, and other commissions who are here to serve the public, and one day we will all be protected from all the unwanted paradoxes of life.

    Stay informed, stay focused, and never give up. You can find Absolute Justice, we live in America and there are so many different commissions to reach out too.

    Please allow pamplets at police stations, courthouses, and please for the future security of our most vulnurable minorities in the community allow for all means of communication be availible in the victims custom or first language so that we can defeat these bad apples in our communities.

    Thank You so much for allowing me to leave my concerns, and comment.

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