Comment Text:
Mark Sladoje
Sunday, March 7, 2010 9:10 PM
Regulation of Retail Forex
Comments on the Identification Number RIN 3038-AC61
Once again the small investor has to suffer because the "BIG BOYS" have created the problems that the CFTC
feels that someone needs to feel the weight of the 'chains of regulation.'
Why not limit only large dollar players, that is, those with the monetary power to influence the movement of price
by making large buy or sell orders such as the dealer who lost billions for his company. Any person trading just
one or a few currency contracts can do no damage except to him or her self.
The MINI contracts were created to help those with a little capital and much study to try to invest and profit by
small amounts and consider that to be their opportunity to become truly financially independent, one small step at
a time. It is that person who usually winds up being the loser or so they say. But if you cannot start by being a
small investor, you will be discouraged and will never start and be a successful investor.
Please rethink what the proposal is trying to accomplish!
Mark Sladoje
614 267-5511
[email protected]