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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Nat R

    Comment No: 6475
    Date: 3/7/2010

    Comment Text:

    [email protected]
    Sunday, March 7, 2010 12:54 PM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    RIN 3038,AC61
    Why dent families give theirneW!y !iCensed teen age drivers thekeys to the fami!yls newest andm0st Va!uab!e Cars?Because history
    has shown that because 0f their lack 0f experience, they are the most !ikely t0be inyo!ved in accidents The insurance C0mpanies a!so
    know What fami!ies know; and therefore they Charge higher rates for these drivers; unti! they gain m0re experience.
    !no rder to protect inexperien Ced an d new forex traders You r department might CO nsider requir!ng that brokerages assign minima!
    leverage levels renew trade rs until they gain more experience. YOucould esta bliSh a Sliding SCale that Would allow them to gradually
    increase leverage !eve!s on!y after customers h ave maintainedth eir !ive acco unts over specified periods of timei demonstratin g th at
    they have acquired the knowledge and u nderstan din gel th e risks in this market you Cou!d then fol!ew~u p andm e niter th em tom ake
    sure that they are adhering to your guide!ines
    ! think you Wou!
    ag ree tha
    t the shotgun type;on e sto p sh 0p,
    o0 kie Cutter,
    ne Size fits a!! approach, o
    redu CJag the leverage !e~e!s
    across the board for a!! traders, w0uld simp!y resu!t in the season ed, proven traders moving their accou nts to off,sh0re brokerages. Or
    that the brokerages themse!ves Wou!d move 0ff shore an d take these j0bseff shore with them, to side step th e 0ne+size fits a!!
    restrictionsi The seasoned traders have already demo nstrated over time that they grasp, u nderstand, and have adjusted to the risks of
    this speculative m arket.
    Thanks for your concern abo ut higher !everage !eVe!s pOssib!y haVin g an adverse effect onnew and or inexperienced forex traders Who
    may not understand the risks associated With trading in this market
    Nat R ....