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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: John Barker

    Comment No: 6267
    Date: 3/5/2010

    Comment Text:

    62 67
    Mr. Barker
    Friday, March 5, 2010 3:40 PM
    proposed leverage change
    Dear David Stawick:
    Do you trade forex? Personally, you? I'm not being a smart-ass, I obviously don't know. If you don't, if
    you don't have firsthand experience with what it takes to be a successful forex trader, how on earth can
    you expect to make wise choices that will affect literally millions of small traders? If you do, can you
    honestly convince yourself that this proposal will in any way further it's intended objective?
    The proposal to change leverage to 10:1 is just stupid if it's really intended to protect traders from
    themselves. All it will do is force small traders like me into offshore accounts where we will have to
    deal with additional costs and have less security regarding the brokers. I, for one, am not giving up my
    leverage. If I have to, I will follow my money offshore as soon as I am able. Trading is literally
    changing my life for the better and I will not be giving it up just because there's a marxist in the White
    House and socialism rampant in the streets. America deserves better.
    I am a new trader. I've spent the last 8 months, at times literally living in front of my computer for days
    and catching cat naps on the couch so I wouldn't miss signals, learning how to trade. I have spent money
    on products ranging from very good to very bad. I have dug into savings to support myself. I have
    learned to practice good money management. I have learned to refine a trading strategy and adhere to it
    no matter what. I have paid my dues and then some and now you want to throw another roadblock in
    front of people like me just getting started. All because you get a lot of complaints from people that go
    into forex expecting it be easy, then they get upset when they find out it's hard? So many people expect
    something for nothing, but forex is the real world and it doesn't work that way.
    There is a reason why 95% of traders don't make it and it has nothing to do with how much leverage
    they have. They lose because they haven't learned to trade. If someone goes live and blows an account,
    they aren't practicing good money management pure and simple. I experienced this myself and lower
    leverage would have made no difference. Forex is a zero sum game. A few win big, a lot of other people
    have to lose - that's life.
    You simply can not "fix" ignorance with all the regulations in the world. Education and experience
    maybe, regulation no. Some people will always be more creatively stupid than you can be systematically
    I've learned through reading, and more importantly doing, to:
    - Never risk more than 3% of my account on a trade.
    - Patience, wait for price to come to me so I can use small stops.
    Always set a stop loss of 20pips maximum immediately and never increase it.
    - If I have 3 losing trades in a row, stop trading for the day, take a break, figure out what's going on
    before trading again.
    - Calculate contract size for each trade based on my risk %, account balance, and stop loss.
    - Only take trades I think have a potential of 2:1 or better reward to risk.
    - Follow my written trading plan exactly, shooting from the hip is not allowed.
    Start small, protect capital, build the account through compounding - increasing position size, while
    keeping risk % low and constant.i0-001
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    - Always remember that only I am responsible for my success or failures.
    My rules, not yours, are what protect me and my accounts. My rules, based on my experience, not
    you catering to the lowest common denominator.
    I now make rates of return I never imagined possible. It still amazes me that something so simple (not
    easy) can put food on the table for my family. Forex is my small business, my American dream. A year
    ago I was driving a delivery truck in a dead end job, wondering how I'd managed to live 42 years and
    have so little to show for it. Forex has given me the opportunity to change my life, my family's lives,
    maybe some of my friend's lives. I enjoy my new profession and am proud of my new skills. I now feel I
    have a purpose in life: learning to trade so I can eventually show other people how it do it too.
    Your proposed margin reduction will do nothing to stop the losers from losing. They will just lose
    slower, or more likely, they won't start trading at all because the incentive is gone. Is that what this is
    really about? Killing the forex market for small traders? Then you get fewer complaints from clowns
    that blame everybody but themselves for their mistakes?
    That's not fair and it's not American.
    hoping you see this and agree this country is supposed to be, and still is, about opportunity, not
    No one is entitled to make money in forex or anything else, but we deserve the opportunity
    to pursue it as we see fit.
    What I need and want your agency to spend time and effort on is going after the few truly bad brokers
    out there. Investigating outright fraud, not trying to be everybody's nanny. Having CTFC membership
    should be a good thing, but instead I'm having to spend time looking for brokers that don't have it. You
    know how depressing that is when I'm being forced to look outside of my own country because the
    government is trying to make it impossible for me to make a living doing what I want to do, what I have
    a passion for? I will eventually get to point where I am ready to teach others to trade - I am hoping I will
    still be in the U.S.A. at that point. Nothing you can do will stop me from trading, though I guess you can
    force me out of the country and out of the U.S. tax base. You are an American too and I know in my
    heart that you are better than that.
    Thank you for your time and carefully considering the consequences of the margin proposal.
    John Barker
    720 519 7609