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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: David D Hopkins

    Comment No: 6168
    Date: 3/5/2010

    Comment Text:

    David Hopkins
    Friday, March 5, 2010 11:22 AM
    secreta ry < secreta ry@ C FTC. g ov >
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Dear Mr David Stawick,
    In regards to RIN 3038-AC61 and dramatically altering the margin requirements for Retail Forex
    investors I would like to voice my strong opposition to this proposal. Having traded in a retail
    FOREX account now for quite some time after moving from equities, you should not make this
    As with any investments, leveraging poses inherent risks; however, these risks are highly
    publicized and very well know by everyone and anyone who trades this market. The market
    participants understand this risk, and with the advent of micro lot sizes, broker/dealers even offer
    new traders an opportunity to really acclimate themselves with volatility and the risk climate of
    FOREX trading prior to making serious investments into highly leveraged accounts and full lot sizes
    where serious losses can occur. In short, the opportunity exists in this market to become
    comfortable with the volatility and risk, more regulation isn't necessary.
    One of the things I would fear would happen in changing these regulations would be that the
    CFTC would drive broker/dealers offshore to countries where such stringent market requirements
    do not exist, then firms would market to the American trader who is attracted to the highly-
    leveraged product. Unfortunately, this would really open the door for less scrupulous
    broker/dealers to attract more and more clients. Thus, in attempting to protect traders, which I'm
    sure is the goal of this CFTC rule, instead many American traders would move their money into
    foreign accounts where strict margin rules do not exist. This would ultimately minimize the
    CFTC's ability to help retail account holders avoid dramatic losses due to over-leveraging. In
    attempting to help, I think the CFTC would hurt your cause by changing this rule.
    Instead, I urge you to focus on disclosure and education of the small retail account holder to have
    brokerage houses and educational service providers in this industry really heighten the awareness
    of risk in the FOREX retail market so that they fully understand the concept of leveraging and what
    it means, versus more regulation.
    Thank you,
    David D. Hopkins
    Retail Forex Trader--Tampa, FL
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