Comment Text:
Roger Stidham
Saturday, February 27, 2010 10:29 AM
Regulation of Retail Forex
To Whom It May Concern:
I've been made aware of a potential regulation switch in forex trading. Please consider that many of us who
are learning forex, and having some success, are small time investors who don't have a lot of capital to
trade with. New regulations about 10:1 leverage requirements instead of the current 100:1 would
essentially put us out of the game before we actually learn to play. It would make trading almost financially
"dangerous" as it would put us more at risk in an already complicated classroom of risk management.
I thought that over the last several years that move has been to make trading the foreign exchange market
more accessible, not less, for the average investor. This seems to be shifting evidentally. Not just
investors, but the brokers that look to recruit investors will be affected negatively. I strongly encourage you
to reconsider this change.
Roger Stidham