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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Jim Cook

    Comment No: 5520
    Date: 2/22/2010

    Comment Text:

    [email protected]
    Monday, February 22, 2010 6:42 PM
    Public Comment Form
    Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
    ([email protected]) on Monday, February 22, 2010 at 18:42:08
    commenter_subject: Regulation of Retail Forex
    commenter_frdate: January 20, 2010
    commenter_frpage: Page 3281-3330
    commenter_comments: Subject: Regulation of Retail Forex
    (RE: FR Doc 2010-456[Federal Register: January 20,
    2010 (Volume 75, Number 12)])
    To Whom It May Concern:
    I am writing to express my disagreement with the
    proposed change in available leverage from 100:1 to
    As a trader my trading capital would actually be at
    much greater risk if this proposal were to be
    adopted. That increased risk would be combined in
    two forms: an increase in risk from the larger
    security deposit required, and an increase in risk
    from FCM bankruptcy. Please allow me to explain.
    The proposed rule would require the FCM (aka
    broker) to collect from me (the retail forex
    customer) a much larger security deposit than is
    currently required in order for me to trade the
    same lot size as I do presently. In other words,
    it would be necessary for me to increase the amount
    on deposit with the FCM in order to maintain my
    present amount of trading income.
    I am keenly aware that my security deposit (held by
    the FCM) is at risk, and should my broker go
    bankrupt, I risk losing the entire security
    deposit. Knowing this fact, my current trading
    strategy calls for me to keep the majority of my
    trading capital in a money market account or U.S.
    treasuries, and to keep only the minimally required
    amount on deposit with my broker. Should my broker
    go out of business and should my security deposit
    be lost as a result, then the majority of my
    capital is still safe from that loss.
    An important point is that this (above) strategy to
    safeguard my trading capital is possible only
    because the current leverage availability allows me
    to adopt this strategy.
    This proposed change, requiring an increasedi0-001
    security deposit, would cause me to have to move
    capital from the safer position to the riskier
    position (and this point is key) with no
    increase in potential reward, but just to maintain
    the same potential for reward. So, to summarize,
    the effect of this proposal for me would be: higher
    risk; equal reward.
    Furthermore, the text of the CFTC proposed rule
    includes this statement:
    ~ In an FCM bankruptcy, customers share the
    segregated property pro rata in proportion to their
    claims, without any support from a compensation
    That statement helps to make my second point.
    The commonly held belief is that should the
    proposal be adopted some number of FCMs will
    indeed go out of business. (Some FCMs may merge or
    consolidate with others, some may cease operations
    in an orderly way, and some will probably
    almost certainly just abruptly close their
    doors.) So, (again the key point) the proposed
    rule itself would increase risk simply because of
    an increased likelihood of FCM bankruptcy (carrying
    the potential loss of security deposit) resulting
    from the rule simplementation.
    So now, the result is an even larger degree of risk
    ~ from both a) the risk resulting from the
    increased size security deposit required, and, b)
    the risk resulting from a higher potential for FCM
    bankruptcy and along with the bankruptcy the loss
    of that larger security deposit just in order
    to maintain the same potential for reward that
    exists already. So again: much higher risk; no
    change in potential reward.
    I feel it my obligation to be aware of the
    riskiness of my trading decisions and practices.
    As you can tell, I ve taken steps to help protect
    me and my family from the risk of trading the forex
    market. My efforts to mitigate risk would be
    eliminated by this rule change.
    While some of the rule changes included in this
    proposal are very good and beneficial to
    individuals and to groups and the industry as a
    whole, I strongly feel the change in available
    leverage would not be a benefit, but rather would
    be a cause for increased risk, and therefore would
    be a mistake to implement.
    Thank you for the opportunity to express my
    thoughts and feelings.
    Jim Cooki0-001
    commenter_name: Jim Cook
    commenter_withhold_address_on: ON
    commenter_addressl: PO Box 3173
    commenter_city: Skowhegan
    commenter_state: Maine
    commenter_zip: 04976
    commenter_phone: 318-347-6295