Comment Text:
ray eldered
Tuesday, February 9, 2010 3:44 PM
Regulation of Retail Forex
Dear sir or ma'am,
I grow weary of the government and regulators trying to protect me from
myself. After 50 years of life I have the common sense to know what I
can and cannot afford to do financially and I am a strong supporter of
less government interference in my daily life. This appears to be one
more governmental exercise in controlling the general populace to keep
them from having any recourse to build personal wealth in a manner the
current administration does not approve, government issued bonds
to bail out the countries huge debt ammassed through social programs
and the socialistic bent of our current administration. I am a capitalist
pure and simple. What I make and how I make it should not be regulated
out of existence as long as it is not a immoral or illegal activity. This
country was built by capitalists not social agendas that serve no purpose
other then to over burden the middle class and make them give away
what they earned through their own motivation.
Sincerely Raymond EIdred
PS if this passes it is just one more example of big government