Comment Text:
[email protected]
Monday, February 8, 2010 3:55 PM
Regulation of Retail Forex, R1N 3038-AC61
Regulation of Retail Forex, RIN 3038-AC61
I am a small time currency trader and I feel my basic principle of "choice" is in
jeopardy with the proposed changes. I firmly stand behind my belief that I should be given
the fi:eedom which I currently have and the option to choose the amount of leverage/risk that
is appropriate for my individual account.
I take my trading seriously and do not place undue risk with my money. I'm not out there to
make a million dollars a year and ifI made that in 10-20 years, it would be a dream come
true. But I do not work on dreams; I work on reality and working my account with the
leverage to "do the least amount of harm" to my small time account.
Thank you for your careful consideration,
Doug Wentz
5550 Columbia Pike #981
Arlington VA 22204