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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Nancy Will

    Comment No: 49863
    Date: 10/5/2011

    Comment Text:

    As concerned senior citizens on a fixed income we have become increasingly aware of the severe impact the price of gasoline is having on our economy. Business all around us are closing, our own son having to close a restaurant in recent weeks due to a severe decline in sales, 2 out of 9 homes on our street being taken over by banks in the past 6 months due to losses of jobs. We are aware of the HORRENDOUS NEGATIVE IMPACT of the speculators and lobbyists controlling the price of gasoline. While the price of crude oil has continued to drop , the supply has increased and the demand for gasoline has declined ,the consumer is being duped into thinking otherwise to justify the artificially inflated cost at the gas pump. What these speculators are doing to our nation is CRIMINAL and it needs to be stopped. If they are allowed to continue to control the prices of gasoline many of us truly believe the demonstrations we have just witnessed in other countries will be paled by the demonstrations of desperate citizens in the US. We appear to be setting ourselves up for situations similar to revolutions in the past such as in Russia and France. When the rich get richer and the poor get poorer many people become hopeless and therefore desperate. Because gasoline is such a necessity in this day and age so people can get to work, go shopping for necessities, doctor visits etc people on limited incomes have to make serious choices on what to eliminate, If the price of gasoline were to decline to a more realistic price some of that burden would be eased. WE URGE you to STOP this criminal, greedy behavior that is hastening our race to a depression Thank You Nancy and Harold Will Mesquite, NV

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