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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Shawanza Turner

    Comment No: 49646
    Date: 9/29/2011

    Comment Text:

    Good Day, Ladies & Gentlemen:

    Please end the reign of terror those Wall Street spectaculars have caused the American citizens to choose between buying medicine and human-consumed food. Wall Street spectaculars are motivated by the monetary gains not by human basic needs, such food, shelter, and clothing. It is disheartening to know that at the this year’s Congressional Hearings of the five CEOs of world’s largest oil companies confessed that when oil prices reach $100.00a barrel of oil, $70.00 of it is based on Wall Street speculation.

    Many called this particular action “terrorism” or that particular action “terrorism”, however when a few people such as Hedge-funds executives, Wall Street spectaculars, bank CEOs, and private-sector company owners who have political & social ties to/favors with the nation’s public elected officials. Then those public elected officials who are “loyal” to those political/social ties and declared that a balanced tax codes for all Americans is “class warfare”, private companies are “the job creators”, or that the Wealthy Americans “have fair taxation”. Have deliberately created delay of any reasonable legislation; is compared to border-line insanity. In all, they are out of touch with reality and with the American citizens.

    I know that you can NOT govern human behavior however, please put in place “real” reform rules that will govern the “professional” behavior of the Wall Street Merry Band of Thieves.

    Thank you,

    Mindful and Truthfully,
    Wanza Turner

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