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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Char Love

    Comment No: 49605
    Date: 9/28/2011

    Comment Text:

    To: Commodity Futures Trading Commission

    It is long past time for you to put the health and welfare of America first and one giant step in that direction is to stop speculators from interfering with the price of food and energy which contributes to artificially higher prices for everyone. Stop listening to Wall Street lobbyists and impose meaningful position limits.

    What goes on in Washington, on Wall Street, in our American banking system and in too many American corporations today is a disgrace and has been very damaging to this country and all who live here. Lots of people should be in jail for the catastrophes they have caused in the last few years and NO ONE has been held accountable or called to justice!

    Will someone please get on and stay on the high road there; put your own political aspirations on the back burner, quit taking money from PACS, corporations and lobbyists and DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR AMERICA!

    I support our President in his efforts to right this ship because he is among the few who operates from a position of honesty and integrity. I may not agree with him on all positions but at least I can believe in his honesty, his character and his intentions and in today’s world that makes him worthy of my support. Sadly, I can’t make that same statement about very many politicians today.

    You must all do better; our future depends on it.

    A disgusted and disappointed American,

    Char Love

    Naples, FL

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