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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: coakley

    Comment No: 49554
    Date: 9/28/2011

    Comment Text:

    This message was originally sent 9/27/11 at 10:45 but the address was incorrect. It was resent yesterday and I got an email today saying I should do it this way and its the same addressas yesterday. So here it is:

    Please stop speculators from interfering with the price of food and energy and impose meaningful position limits.

    We have bailed out and tolerated Wall Street ...the same people who somehow managed along with cooporate leaders fool the nation into believing we were doing wonderfully well. Now we're broke. How did that happen? How come the American public thought we were well off when we were actually broke? It happened because the MONITORING was corrupt and insufficient (take your pick).

    Please don't let us down. Remember, we pick up the tab on all the waste, all the incompetence, all the corruption, all the poor or non existent monitoring... it's time our officials act responsibly to protect the public and put that FIRST on your list... not last while you allow speculators to run wild over the market and create higher prices and shortages for the same people that have to pick up the tab for this foolishness.

    William Coakley
    President, Lake Osborne Estates Civic Association, Inc

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