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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Frank Johannissohn

    Comment No: 49426
    Date: 9/27/2011

    Comment Text:

    Commodity Futures Trading Commission

    Dear Sirs,

    I believe serious harm is being done to every middle income American family because speculators are allowed to invest in food and energy futures. Food and energy are essential to everyone and we are all suffering because Wall Street lobbyists are concerned only with market volatility and profit; not whether “Tiny Tim” has food.

    All food and energy contracts need to be removed from futures trading IMMEDIATELY ! You can help America be great again; act now to discontinue all food and energy speculation !

    In your position(s), you should be doing more for the citizens of our great nation rather than allowing futures trading dictate the price at the pump or at checkout!

    Please respond collectively to correct the course we are on and exempt food and energy contracts from futures trading NOW !

    Thank you for your kind attention to this serious issue,


    Frank Johannissohn

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