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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Pete McGill

    Comment No: 49340
    Date: 9/27/2011

    Comment Text:

    Dear Sir;
    I am wondering when you are going to do something about the price of oil? It looks to me like the futures trading is directly responsible for the price of oil and therefore the current state of affairs with our economy.
    Everybody knows that every single thing that is available for purchase travels by truck,train,ship or airplane at some point on it's travels to the retail market. The price of fuel directly effects the price of these good and the ability of the people to purchase them. With gas at the current level there is no hope of the economic recovery for this country.Drop the price of oil and the people can afford to buy cars,homes and even groceries which are so far out of wack pricewise it's a crime. Imagine $3 for a loaf of bread,$5 for a gallon of milk, and $35 for a standing rib roast and thats for two ribs. $4 for a pound of hamburger,$7 for a pound of bacon and $7 for a raw chicken. There ain't no "chicken in every pot" anymore. All of this is directly effected by the price of gas and diesle fuel.
    So when are you and the 95 high-up's listed on your website going to get off your collective asses and get to work? If it was up to me I'd fire every last one of you and get some people in there who care about this country and the people.. I'm fed up with your inactivity and intend to vote for whoever will kick your butts out and get some work done. How much of your income have you lost this year? I've lost 90% of mine and no relief in sight. All I can see is a gridlocked congress and a bunch of beauracrats who arn't worth half the money they get paid. Pete

    N.A."Pete" McGill

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