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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Carol Rosheck

    Comment No: 49334
    Date: 9/27/2011

    Comment Text:

    ----- Forwarded Message -----
    From: Carol Rosheck
    To: "[email protected]"
    Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 11:38 PM
    Subject: Stop the speculators!

    While you will undoubtedly receive several emails on this topic, it's important to pay attention to it!! I live on a meager disability income and I am finding it more and more difficult to afford basic necessities of life, such as food, gasoline for my car so I can get to my doctor's appointments, the electricity in my small 1-bedroom apartment, the cost of my medicine...and the list goes on. Why is this happening? I once had a beautiful 4-bedroom home. I lost it because of my disability and inability to continue working. I've lost just about everything and did actually lose my life 6-1/2 years ago, but was revived. It makes no sense that milk costs over $3.50 per gallon or a loaf of whole wheat bread costs over $2.00. Fresh produce is nearly unaffordable, which is absolutely ridiculous! Why is our gasoline so very expensive?

    It should have never been about Wall Street lobbyists and who profits!! The greed and avarice shown is disgusting and very anti-American. Stop punishing the American consumer in the name of the almighty dollar! Many have lost jobs, can't find a job, lost their homes and can't afford to feed their families. Is this what you wanted? Is this part of the overall plan to reduce world population by doing everything possible to make it impossible for the average person to live each day? Wake up and stand up for what is right!! Stop the speculators and constant speculation!! Tell Wall Street to take a hike and think about what this country should really stand for. Some of the people having difficulty living may very well be relatives of yours. Is that how you want your family living? Well, it reality, we're all your family and none of us want to live this way.

    I haven't received a COLA on my disability in over two years, yet I am spending almost twice as much for the same things and it's to the point where affording it is questionable. And this is for necessities. Long gone are luxuries or the occasional "treat". There's just no money for it. It may get to the point when I can't even afford my apartment or power or enough food and medicine to keep me alive. Shame on you for entertaining such horrible games that are played with our commodities!! How many more people will have to be homeless, disabled or poor before you realize that we can't afford it anymore? I didn't ask to become disabled or lose my home. I didn't ask for my life to be turned inside out and upside down while I was in my late 40's. I'm now in my mid-50's and have no prospect of reclaiming the life I once had. Why is it so much more difficult than it has to be? Why are the few playing with the lives of the many in order to profit from it? It's hard to believe in anything good anymore because bad just keeps happening. You can put a stop to some of it by stopping the games and stop putting faith in Wall Street.

    E. Carol Rosheck
    Jacksonville, FL

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