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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: dain anderson

    Comment No: 49287
    Date: 9/27/2011

    Comment Text:

    I am writing this to complain about the way Market Traders are operating. There NEEDS to be more regulation on them and how they trade things like Oil, Gas, Wheat, Milk and any other product that they trade in the open market on Wall Street.

    I live on a fixed income and as over 500,000 others do we all can NOT afford these market speculators trading unchecked like they are. When they run up the price for things like Oil they affect the prices that consumers pay in the end.

    What do I mean by this, well if a barrel of oil costs $85 today Oil companies that buy it charge a certain amount after the refining for things like Gasoline, Diesel and Asphalt that are ALL products made from the oil. Now if the Futures Traders want to raise the price then they manipulate it to suit their needs. Say now that they raise the price of a barrel of oil to $100, well the companies that purchase it now have to pay more and inorder to to that they charge more for the final product. In the case of oil it's the products I listed above.

    Now the end users like myself have to pay more so we wind up having to cut money from something in our budgets to be able to pay for things like Gasoline to be able to drive to doctors appointments, grocery shopping to be able to eator other important places. Also with the increase in Gasoline/Diesel Fuel costs the companies that ship goods to the store charge more making those items go up in price!!

    It winds up being a ripple effect from the price of one thing like oil being raised that makes everything rise in price. On top of that you have to figure with the price change on multiple items that many different end product prices rise.

    This is NOT a shell game these foolish traders are playing just to see how much they can make in commissions it effects the end users which is EVERY CITIZEN in the USA and the rest of the world.

    Yes they affect the other countries in the world also.

    THIS MUST STOP NOW and the way to do it is to regulate the way they trade and how much of something is traded.

    This country is in a teetering economy and there are 90% of us in this country that have to decide everyday whether to buy food or gasoline or prescriptions because of the prices WE have to pay as the end user!!

    I'm 53 and I can remember working at gas stations when the price for a gallon of gas was $.359/gallon. YES, 35.9 CENTS a GALLON NOT $3.659/gallon!! In 34 years the price for gasoline has risen $3.35/gallon and NOT all of that is due to the oil companies but the price that oil is traded for!!!

    Thank you for listening and END the foolishness NOW and regulate them to get OUR economy back on track and back to where we citizens can afford to live!!!

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