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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Mike Baker

    Comment No: 4866
    Date: 2/3/2010

    Comment Text:

    Mike Baker
    Wednesday, February 3, 2010 8:38 PM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Your limiting leverage is simply shutting out the small investor.
    Congratulations on being remarkably short sighted and cutting out an entire swath of smaller, private, citizens.
    I can believe the government is this stupid, but wish it were not so. This is one reason we have no faith in
    government - it is run by people like you who have absolutely no idea of what you are doing - the epitome of the
    joke, "Hi, I'm here from the government and I want to help you." Go far, far away, another galaxy would be nice. I
    know you mean, well, or at least hope you do, but your actions would put me out of business and then I fire the
    two people who work for me and I consider living in another country. Nice going.
    The government can't run the wars in the Middle East, the War on Drugs, or much of anything else. Most people
    think universal health care is a good idea, it won't pass though because even many Democrats don't trust the
    government to run it.
    Please, leave us alone!!!
    Adults should be able to act as adults and not have the government telling them what to do with their money,
    especially a government that has spent billions grafting money to banks, AIG.,etc, while all the time hurting the
    small investor. The government is the single most incompetent aspect of American life, mind your own business.
    The money you have given out to reckless bankers, insurance co's, etc, is sickening and now you are toying with
    private investors in an area that has risk and we all know it. Risk cuts both ways as leverage also brings profit.
    Look, people who can't figure it out are going to lose. Statistics I have seen say about 90% of people lose enough
    to quit trading. Well, that' s life. I am also in real estate and owned restaurants and the vast majority of them go
    broke, too. Go watch The Animal Planet for 24 hours straight - life is competitive. Only one person wins the
    Olympic 100 yard dash, why don't you go regulate that to make it more "fair". You are disgusting.
    You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
    Mike Baker Santa Fe New Mexico