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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Zoran Marinkovic

    Comment No: 4807
    Date: 2/3/2010

    Comment Text:

    Zoran Marinkovic
    Wednesday, February 3, 2010 2:26 AM
    secretary < secreta ry@ C FTC. g ov >
    Regulation of Retail Forex"
    I am from england and i am in favour of the 100:1 leverage and not 200:1 hence why i continue to
    trade out of US it is in my opinion a far more sensible way to trade ... However 10:1 leverage
    is insulting to us retail traders and innevitably will mean that thousands of US traders and foriegn
    traders using the "more sensible leverage" that the US offers..will jump ship and trade out of UK. I
    like to make note that myself and thousands others will not switch our funds to other US trading
    facilities..!! FX is what we do and what we Iove!! have nothing to gain and millions and
    potentially billions to lose from this proposal.
    From an outsider and british national..why on earth would you grant this proposal to go ahead and
    literally send taxable revenue along with jobs offshore?...its is mind boggling!!
    It is a risky business "betting" that traders will decide to switch their funds to others US trading
    facilities and not take them offshore..."betting" is what contributed to the problems in the first
    place...go ahead ...BET AWAY!!.and allow the UK..china and the like to capitalise...Learn your
    lessons.., do not repeat them!!
    Confused Brit!!
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