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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Brenda Chapman
    Founding 5 LLC

    Comment No: 4637
    Date: 1/31/2010

    Comment Text:

    Founding 5 LLC
    Sunday, January 31, 2010 1:29 AM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Re: The proposal "Leverage in retail forex customer accounts would be subject to a lO-to-1 limitation"
    Really? This is a joke, right? Some really really really bad joke that someone up there is pulling?
    Because if it's not, that means for some strange reason, you people up there are purposely trying to
    create what could only be described as a total bloodbath of this industry as U.S. based jobs provided by
    this industry will dry up by a MINIMUM of 75% as U.S. traders move their funds to brokerages in
    locations outside of the U.S. that are more than glad to handle our accounts and earn fees from us
    without interfering in how we run our business.
    You've heard of that little thing called the internet, right? You do realize that we, the traders and our
    respective businesses, do NOT have to sit by and take this crap you're shoveling out as we WILL take
    our businesses elsewhere which will, in effect, mean the demise of the forex industry in the U.S. to
    anyone except the large financial institutions ... and to be quite honest, many of us feel that is actually
    your main goal here. Not to "protect" us but to oust the "little guy" from the opportunities this business
    Because really, with the type of stupid rules already being imposed upon us by the NFA that came about
    back in August, when some group of all knowing all seeing idiots start removing valuable tools that I
    need to successfully operate my business because they think they know better when they don't even have
    a clue, then I say it's time to relocate to friendlier, more intelligent jurisdictions. I mean really, these
    margins and (original, prior to August 2009) rules have been in effect for decades without causing any
    kind of mass financial disaster. As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Well, this system has
    worked fine for many years and has no need for you clowns to come around and screw with it.
    Seriously ... are you THAT bored?
    Isn't it about time you j oined the real world with the rest of us and trash this garbage?!?
    Absolutely unbelievable ... ugh.
    Brenda Chapman
    President & Managing Member
    Founding 5, LLC
    Ph: 972-375-6638