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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Kelly Kleinsasser
    Forward Strategies Insurance Brokerage

    Comment No: 4488
    Date: 1/29/2010

    Comment Text:

    Kelly Kleinsasser
    Friday, January 29, 2010 6:48 PM
    Regulation of Retail Forex ID numberRIN 3038-AC61
    Mr. Secretary,
    I would like to voice my strong opposition to changing the margin requirements on FOREX accounts from 100:1 to
    10:1. I fail to see the benefit to this rule. As a trader, If you do not have a good strategy for trading foreign
    currencies you will blow your account up regardless of the margin requirements. 100:1 simply allows less money
    to be deposited. It does not mean that someone does not have additional funds to deposit should they need to.
    Additionally, since the funds in a FOREX account are not guaranteed by any body that I am familiar with other
    than the FOREX company itself. The additional requirement could actually cost investors capital if the company
    they are trading with goes under. I personally have deposited the minimums in my account to maintain the level
    of trading I do. If the margin requirements go up I will simply have to deposit more money but it won't change my
    profits or losses at all. This rule is unnecessary, inconvenient and will drive my business away from U.S. currency
    brokers to offshore accounts where I can continue to trade 100:1.
    I hope you will consider these thoughts as you move forward with this rule. Regulation always has unintended
    consequences. Often times those unintended consequences are worse than the perceived problem the
    regulation was trying to fix.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    Kelly Kleiusasser, CLU
    Senior Vice Presitleut
    Forward Strategies Insurance Brokerage
    In life, as in a football game, the principle to follow is:
    Hit the line hard.