Comment Text:
Dave Gruber
P. O. Box 200
Mason, MI 48854-0200
March 28, 2011
David Stawick
Secretary, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581
Dear Mr. Stawick:
I could put the Coalition's message in here and it wouldn't mean anything to you. I will simply say I have been buying and managing gas for industrial customers since 1984 and the beginning of Order 436. To ignore the speculative elephant in the room is crimminal. Witness the $0.20 rise last Friday as evidence of speculation alone, much less the more blatant cases since 2000. How does a market that is swimming in natural gas move $0.20 in less than an hour. You know the right thing to do, just do it.
Place the limits on the speculation and make the traders transparent.
Thank you.
David P. Gruber